Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

SoundVisionary is a website helping artists to grow their digital presence. We have been working to engage the artists with their audience.It was developed with an aim of uplifting Himachali culture and its artists.

We have done various efforts for the artist’s promotions in these years.Please read below our terms and conditions before surfing the website-

• SoundVisionary never discloses any personal data of any artist, visitor or other logged in user nor do we ask any personal information rather than phone, email, name and social accounts (for revert backs and promotions).

• Almost all material in the site is original content and the songs/videos published are through the artist’s collaborations. In case you have any issue regarding the content please content support@soundvisionary.in with appropriate copyright details attached and in case of any wrong content uploaded, we’ll immediately remove the content within 24 hours.

• If you post content that belongs to someone else (for example, if you are a distributor or promotional agency acting on behalf of an artist or label), or if you use someone else’s content in a remix or other similar work, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the permission of all relevant rights holders in order to post that content to SoundVisionary

• SoundVisionary aims to help creators to connect directly with their fans. We understand that promoting your work is important, and we encourage you to seek out fans and other like-minded individuals. In our experience, the most successful forms of promotion are built upon meaningful interactions between creators and their audience. However, there is a fine line between developing these connections and over-sharing with members of the community.

• All of the services in the site (songs, videos, photos, blogs and texts) are for promotional purpose only. We do not claim to be the owner of all the materials/services provided.

• If you do not agree to the above Terms and Conditions, please disconnect from the site yourself. By remaining in the site, you affirm your understanding and compliance of the above disclaimer and absolve this site of any responsibility henceforth.